Concussion Assessment & Treatment

What is a Concussion
& Why Should We Treat It?
A concussion is a disturbance in neurological function following an impact to the head/neck area. When a concussion is sustained, a neurological imbalance leads to a deficit in energy as well as a decrease in blood flow to the brain. During this phase, individuals are susceptible to further damage and/or rapid deterioration of brain cells if another impact were to occur.
We no longer treat concussions by "waiting it out in a dark room for 2 weeks." Studies now show that individuals that were assessed by a health care professional within the first 24-48 hours had less symptom intensity and faster return to play.
Baseline Testing
Baseline testing is a series of tests that assess multiple areas pertaining to brain function. Baseline tests are for the healthy, un-injured athlete to use as a tool for post-concussion assessments and return to play.
At CORE, we utilize the latest evidence-based testing to ensure we can accurately diagnose your concussion and get back to play as safe and quick as possible.

Concussion Baselines for Athletes and Teams
CORE Chiropractic and Performance Center now offers baseline testing for the individual athlete, as well as the whole team. Contact us today to discuss getting the whole team assessed prior to the start of the season!